Where In The World?

Ugghhh can I say that I wish I could really live in SL? Well actually I wouldn’t but I surely wanted to this week.

I returned home from brief trip to find I had no phone or Internet. (Now before you get smart, yes I pay my bills! I am not one of those SL folks that abandon their real world responsibilities for a cyber existence.)  Needless to say, I was thoroughly peeved!

After calling my local provider (which is one and the same) for four straight days, service were finally restored very early Saturday morning. It appears that a rash of thunderstorms and heavy rains over the past two weeks did some damage to the cables in this part of town. Supposedly the cable was fried to a crisp and had to be completely replaced.

I don’t know about you, but I just don’t understand why it took almost five days to replace a freaking cable! Thank goodness I had a cellualr phone or I would have been totally disconnected from the world. It was just so horrid to be without what are now considered two essential services– a main line phone and Internet access.  As of this week, I am switching to a wireless Internet set-up.  I can’t go through that agony ever again, LOL!

But all that to say “I am back!”

Boy did I miss SL.


[SCD Survey] Which do you prefer?

Great quiz posted at Shopping Cart Disco.  Feel free to take the quiz yourself!


1. When you hear about a new release, which are you most likely to run out and buy: hair, shoes, or clothes?

More than likely hair.

2. Skin choice: pale, tan, coloured (like green), or dark? Blond, brown, red, or black hair?

Dark skin. Black and brown hair.

3. Which event do you most likely put on your calendar: fashion show, live concert, store sale, sim opening, club contest, or a class?

A toss up between store sale and sim opening.

4. What’s your ideal SL™ job?

Let me get back to you.

5. Sexy clothing preference: silks, lingerie, or revealing clothing(mini skirts, super tight dresses, etc)?


6. Facial hair on male avies (or yourself, if you are male): yea or nay?

Yea, why not.

7. Land home or skybox?

Land home.

8. Decorating your walls: SL™ photos, objects, RL photos, or RL art?

RL art.

9. Do you prefer to own land or rent?


10. Small boutiques or large stores?

Small boutiques.

11. Photo-realistic skins and clothing or hand-drawn?


12. For your one-on-one conversations, do you prefer voice or typed chat?

Typed chat.

13. Prim objects or sculpties?

Prim, they seem much easier to modify/ manipulate.

14. Bling, effect sounds, and particle effects: on or off?


15. (If you use one) What photostudio do you like best?


16. Face light: necessary or blinding?

Necessary, esp. with Windlight.

17. Do you pick up all the freebies you find or only pick the ones from designers you know?

Mostly designers I know, but do like to explore new designers or those unknown to me.

18. Pre-fab buildings: do you own one? Do you like them?

My home was pre-fab, does that count? If so, I own several and I like them just fine :-).

19. Would you rather be a Furry or Tiny?

Hmm, that is a tuff one. Maybe a furry since I am a cat owner in RL. I could connect and become one with the animal community. *giggles*

20. Graphic settings: Short draw distance or long? Release Candidate or standard viewer? Avatar imposters (yes/no)?

Short draw. Standard viewer. Avatar imposters (yes), although that setting is really starting to weird me out.

21. Sim design: tropical island, residential neighborhood, urban streets, or themed fantasy (or another type I didn’t think of)?

I guess the question is what type I like. I enjoy residential and urban themed sims.

22. When not in a club or concert, do you stream music or turn it off?

Stream it!

23. Flickr: Woot? Ick? (add me as a contact so I can see your stuff!)

Flickr is da bomb! Woot woot!! Check me out @ http://flickr.com/people/kurka/ 

24. What’s your favorite place to explore or hang out (that isn’t a shopping area)?

Straylight and any rezzable sim.

25. Animation Overriders: Do you prefer to make your own or buy a set? And where’s the best place to go for them? (I’m actually shopping around for another, so this is a selfish question

I make my own. I need poses that are for a more curvy AV, so the standard AO’s just won’t do.

No Opinions Allowed

Yesterday, I came across a post on one of the SL Free blogs. It was a blog about a new store called House of Hucci. The model in the ad was an African American with a very shapely figure.  I made comment on what appeared to me to be a slightly subliminal message. Now I admit I am not a rabid reader of this particular blog. However, I am always entitled to my own opinion.

Now here is where the issus starts. I have no problem with people clarifying me if I am incorrect or even offering a different explanation, like Cherlindrea did. I thanked her for her reply because it was helpful. Unlike the following message I received from Imedla Whitfield. In between the ravings, she had one or two points which would have come across much better without all of the confusion. Anyway, I will let you all be the judge!

From Imelda Whitfield

i read your post on fab free and honey you have NO CLUE do you? well lemme inform you of something……scotti is one of my BEST and closest friends on sl and i will do anything for her. so hon when you get the nerve to go making comments, i suggest your implication should be #1 to find out about the person before you make em

#2 it should NOT matter what color a person is!!!! Esp if they are talkin bout and modeling clothes! OMG! *rolls eyes* if ya made a comment about her clothes i could understand that but you and i both know just like anyone reading what you said thats not what you were implying! might i suggest talkin to the folks that came up with the name of the freakin store before you go spoutin your mouth off?????

#3 you need to find yourself SOMEthing to do b/c if this is all your life is OBVIOUSLY about, then hon i feel sorry for you. oh and one more thing…..you should know that scotti is african american in rl which is why her shape that she wears ALL THE FREAKIN TIME WITH PRIDE i might add, is why its like it is and also why her sl skin is the shade it is. NO, not the one on fab free (cos she has to wear one that she finds for free out in sl duh) but the one she searched MONTHS to find. She ain’t on front street cos she don’t want folks knowin where she got it—i.e. its nunya! I don’t even kno an i kno lots of stuff about her!

She is one of THE MOST wonderful ppl i know and the first to set folks straight about this crap no matter they are from. I love her for this and have told her so…….that i love her for being so real and standing up for herself and what she believes in. i do the same thing which is why i felt compelled to send this to you when your comment about my friend made me madder’n a old tom cat left out in the rain! if iz there in rl id wanna shake some sense into you! It is stuff like this that makes me so sad! idk where you are from but i want this country to just STOP this racist bunch of crap….ignore folks skin color….and just be friends! I told scotti i wanted to scream from a mountain but i kno it would fall on def ears cos ppl dont wanna hear. *shakes my head and screams anyway* LETS ALL BE GRAY!!!!!! Scotti’s hands are tied in this matter b/c of her position at fab free but hon*underline in bold stressing empahisis on the letter “i”* don’t blog for fab free nor does she know i am sending this to you. so trust me you don’t wanna go here cos my ghetto fab self and these stilleto heels is gonna keep on walkin *smiles sweetly*


I thought the reference to her “ghetto fab self” was adorable, such a classy touch. Not sure why she would not let her friend know she is sending me this message. Seems as if she would want her friend to know she is sticking up for her. *smh*, I guess some people always wanna take up a banner for others.  And in case you are wondering, my response to this person was as follows:

From Khitten Kurka

I received your long note card. I am not going to bother to respond to the very nasty, almost threatening tone of your message. Instead, I will take the opportunity to say thank you for sharing your opinion. As an African American female in RL as well, I can certainly have an opinion about anything I see in SL. My comments were not an attack on any person; merely an observation on what I saw. I have every right to make an observation and you have a right to disagree.


I am always amazed at people in and out of world. And Ms. Rubina, I totally agree with something you said yesterday. Some folks, just don’t understand.

Neo-Soul at The City Bar

On Tuesday’s the place to be is The City Bar. Hostess Marjorie Dibou spins the latest neo-soul and R&B music. Every week, the place is packed with the coolest, sexist people on the grid.

If you are looking to meet some new folks or hear some great music, check out The City Bar every Tuesday starting at 7PM SLT!

Posted by Khitten Kurka on Windermere using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]